Monday, 24 April 2017

Famous last words.....a rebirth

So.....having said three years ago that I was going to make my life easier and merge this blog with my main one i.e. so I only had one blog to maintain and hopefully post more often to....I've decided to do a U-turn and restart this blog.

Quite a lot has changed on the allotment since the last post here, although there haven't been many blog updates on my main blog either, so no change there!

I guess the main change is that now puberty has kicked in and schoolwork become heavier as his GCSEs get closer, there is no 'TK and' anymore, just 'me' on the plot now. He has come down occasionally to help harvest potatoes and he did come to help demolish an old shed on the plot.

Goodbye old shed....
Sadly a case of preferring destruction to construction and creation!

The other big change is the other half of our plot became available. I ummed and ahhed briefly about whether to take it on as well as our existing half plot. On the plus side, it had a shed albeit a rather decrepit one, and it would give us (me) more room to grow fruit. Our existing half plot was pretty much full to bursting each year so a bit more ground would come in handy.
On the minus side, the plot hadn't really been worked much in the time we'd been there and it was pretty overgrown with out of control raspberries in the middle of it. Basically it was going to take a lot of effort to bring it under control.

I decided it was worth the extra work and effort it would take. Didn't want to kick myself and find someone else take it on and usually you can kiss goodbye to getting another plot next to you for many years. In fact, since our allotment association took on the management of the site, plots have been let on a regular basis and we are due to have a waiting list again very soon.

Two years later, the new half plot is vaguely tamed but with still a lot of work to be done. And yes I know that two years with not a lot accomplished is terrible progress but in my defence for the first year TK was 'working' the plot for his DofE skill and I wasn't allowed to do much on it until he had finished.

I think the progress on the new half plot can form the basis of the next post!