Although strictly they are days 3 and 4 as Friday was an absolute wash out.
Its the late May bank holiday weekend and half term so we are hoping to get a fair bit of digging done, weather permitting!
The soil is actually quite loose, not compacted at all, so digging it over isn't too much hard work apart from the weeds which seem to consist mainly of bindweed and couch grass; both of which I'm sure will be a bind to get rid of!
Most of the other plot owners we have spoken to have said don't bother getting the plot rotavated so we are a bit undecided about that.
This is how much we had done after the second day
And yes we picked some rhubarb!
And here it is a couple of hours a crumble
I couldn't remember if I like rhubarb or not, but I'm pleased to say this was rather yummy.
Finding it hard persuading TK not to pick any more just yet!
It's cool harvesting something already though.
We've done a bit more digging today and have almost dug the width of the plot.
This morning we went down to the Shed Shop which is run by BALGA, the allotment association. We joined the association and also picked up some seed potatoes, although we will be a little late planting these out. We are trying a first early, Duke of York and a Picasso which is a main crop potato.
The bit of land that we have dug over is wide enough to plant a row of each.
Hoping we can get them in the ground this week.