Its been a while since I've found a bit of time to post an update on our progress but I can at last say almost all of the plot has now been dug over and that for the first time it is more weed free than full of weeds........
I am realising that even though we have got rid of the worst of the weeds, they keep coming back and Bed 2 that was weed free is green again, mainly because I have neglected to keep on top of the weeds while I continued digging over the other beds.
Although now that the colder weather is here, the weeds are at least taking longer to grow back so hopefully we can put that to rights over the winter months!
So from the top of the plot this is where we are now.
Bed 1
This had potatoes in this year and I'm really pleased with our harvest.
We had been digging up the earlies for a short while. These were the Duke of York variety and they've been ok but I wouldn't grow them again. I think we left them in the ground a bit too long. Still we did get just under 5kg of them from one row.
We also have a row of main crop potatoes, Picasso and these have been really good. A nice tasty potato that has been good for everything. Nearly 8kg from this row.
And we haven't bought any potatoes since the end of August!
Bed 2
This has had runner beans, strawberries, carrots and beetroot in it this year. A mixed bag I know but we have used this bed just so we could have a harvest this year.
We're going to dig up the strawberries and plant new ones in the perennial bed, mainly because they are completely overgrown with grass.
And we had just enough runner beans with just a handful in the freezer. The carrots were small but perfectly formed and we picked most of the beetroot when they were small too. The last of these have been pickled and will be ready in a week.
This bed still has the Swiss chard in it. Never eaten it before so we'll give it a go but we'll probably just dig the plants up when we go over this bed again which is completely green!
Bed 3
I finally finished digging this bed yesterday. I had hoped to have had it done by the end of October before the colder weather started but alas we hit a snag. There had been a bit of raised ground in the middle of this bed and when I got to it, I found out why. First off it was where a previous plot owner had decided to have a bonfire.........except a lot of it hadn't burnt properly so there were piles and piles of un-burnt magazines, chunks of wood, you name it. Having dug that out, I hit the next problem............carpet. Yes actual carpet. Not the matting you use to keep weeds down but actual proper carpet. It started in the middle of the plot and went on and on. It took me ages just to find the went right to the edge of the plot.
And what was worse it had at least 6 inches of soil on top of it and weeds, like mallow, growing through it in places.
It was an absolute nightmare and just as I was starting to feel like I was never going to get it up, I had a breakthrough! I was also having to pull it up in bits as it was so large I was never going to be able to lift it in one go.
We then had a stroke of luck as the site had a skip so that a spare plot could be cleared and the manager of the site very kindly took all that horrible carpet and put it in the skip for me!
So having cleared the carpet I was then able to dig the second half of this bed which seems to have taken an eternity!
Bed 4
The mesh tunnels arrived in September and so we planted the onions; one row of Shakespeare and one of Troy.
They took a while to get going, over a month, but are now firmly established.
We've planted a second batch with another row of Shakespeare and one of Senshu Yellow we swapped with a friend. These are just starting to sprout now. Its amazing that despite being covered they have still been pushed up in places, must be worms!
As you can see we also have some scaffolding boards for paths now too.
Perennial Bed
This is going to be TK's bed as he wants to grow things that keep on growing basically. So he has the rhubarb which was looking really healthy........
Until we had the storm that never was a few weeks ago.........
When it took a bit of a beating.
We've moved the blackcurrant bush next to it and will move the redcurrant bush in the next week or so.
Then we'll make a new strawberry bed and also prepare a section for some asparagus which I ordered online for delivery next spring.
He'll have a bit of space left which we might use for herbs.
And the only other news is we have some manure to spread out on a couple of the beds..........four barrows' full for starters.
So all in all not bad for our first six months!